Deepshikha Mahila Club is a leading women’s philanthropic social welfare organisation based in Hyderabad.

It was established in 1965, when five like minded ladies, Smt. Satyabhama Jalan, Smt. Radha Khemka, Smt. Anasuya Ganeriwal, Smt. Prabha Badruka and Smt. Shanti Devi Pitti felt the need for a forum which could collectively work for the upliftment of the weaker sections of its members.

Smt Gyan Kumari Heda and Smt Shanta Kumari have been a source of inspiration to the organization.

The word ”DEEP” (दीप) reminds us of selfless deeds, a source of light to the world. The word “SHIKHA” (शिखा) reminds us of a pinnacle of knowledge and dedication, a “JYOT” (ज्योत) spreading light in the world by burning itself.

“Service to humanity is service to god” is our motto and Deepshikha Mahila Club has always valued these principles.

Our multifarious activities include service to the under privileged in fields like Education, Healthcare, Empowerment in various skills and social development. Ensuring support to individuals and communities affected by calamity and emergency events has been a priority for the club. It has provided financial assistance to children with cardiovascular defects, physically challenged in need of artificial limbs, families affected by the tsunami, weavers affected by Kurnool / Mahaboobnagar floods and to those trapped in the floods of Jammu and Kashmir.

Today, Deepshikha Mahila Club is a premier voluntary charitable and social organization of the twin cities. It has a strength of about 150 members and 5 honorary members.

The club organises regular learning events, intended to help members develop and grow as individuals. These events benefit members from the age of 30 to 80 years. The activities of the club are tailored to empower  its members and the community. The meetings are held once a month and talks on current affairs, panel discussions, competitions and various cultural activities are under taken. An annual feature is the dinner organized with the spouse during Diwali.

Every year the members work collectively to organize the clubs annual three day fund raiser exhibition. During the month of July / August the Deep Mela (दीप मेला) is organized, which has evolved into a much awaited event by the ladies of the twin cities. Deepmela has continually promoted and encouraged local entrepreneurs. The members of the club work year round in the planning and making of this event, ensuring that the goals of the club are met.

In 1987 Deepshikha Mahila Club adopted the Kanya Gurukul High School (Telugu Medium), since education of the girl child was identified as a key thrust area. Deepshikha Mahila Club took over the management and administration of the school at the request of its founder Shri Thokrasilalji Kapadia, and today Kanya Gurukul High School has a strength of about 1,000 children.

Kanya Gurukul High School (English Medium) was started on 2001 and today has classes upto 7th Standard. Today, we also run a Vocational Training Center which works towards self empowerment of women in various fields.

A Need was felt to further the education of the girl students at the Junior College level. With this in view, a Junior College was established in the year 2008 which has been recognized by the Board of Intermediate Education.

Courses Offered : Computer Science & Engineering, Medical lab Technician, Office Assistant, Multipurpose Health Worker & Physiotherapy. In the year 2010, Accounts & Taxation course were introduced. These courses last for 2 years and are job oriented.

Deepshikha Mahila Club has successfully completed 50 years of service. It looks forward to continually and actively serving humanity in the near future.