From the diary of Deepshikha Mahila Club Outstanding Events in last 5 years:
Heart Surgeries:
In keeping with the tradition of having a social conscience Deepshikha took cognizance of the fact that several children from needy families required Heart Surgeries.
Six children in the age group of 3 months to 2 years were operated upon at Apollo Hospital’s Pediatric Cardiac Wing at the cost of Rs.1.5 Lacs to Deepshikha.
The Best Homemaker Contest:
To mark the 40th year of the Deepshika Mahila Club, March meeting was converted into “THE BEST HOMEMAKER CONTEST” opened to all the homemakers of the twin cities. Seven judges from the different fields adjudged the ladies and the winner was crowned by the first lady Smt. Shinde.
Helping Hand to Physically Challenged:
Deepshikha Mahila Club organized a camp on 10th February 2006 at Deepshikha Bhavan in Kanya Gurukul High School premises to help physically challenged persons.
The camp was inaugurated by Mr. M. A. Basith, DGP Hyderabad, who was accompanied by his wife Mrs. Tahira Basith.
In this camp artificial limbs, calipers, wheel chairs, tricycles, etc. were distributed to the physically challenged persons of all ages.